Into the nightfall

With such subdued enthusiasm was the below post made early this morning. An agenda now crippled with a "sinus infection" which doesn't seem right, more like a cold, flu and sinus infection, which myself and three others are now on antibiotics for. Sure enough, those four who I am in closest contact with in my classes. No, no Sinai now for us. We were ill but pumped, but we were fumbling through class by midday, then proceeded to the clinic after school, and were advised against going. My brush with god on Sinai will have to wait. Apparently people begin bawling and breaking into seizures up there. Anyway, we may try later on our own. Back to tissues, moping downstairs before BBC World, which one can do for hours.
Off to Sharm this weekend, along with St Catherine's Monastary in the middle of the Sinai mountain range, where we will climb Mount Sinai to reach the peak at sunrise. I may or may not have internet capabilities, we shall see. Here's my nice little Microsoft paint journey in red.
Sasha, feel better!
Thank you, I am feeling a bit better today, but I am glad to have the weekend to rest up.
hey sasha,
happy fourth of july! it must feel a bit surreal to be be in cairo during that most american of fest days and homesicky be on another continent with a pesky sinus meltdown. it is a beautiful south shore summer day here - sunny, hot with a breeze off the water.
just got my daily email from rallying the troops for the sandra day replacement showdown. not a bad idea from your cabbie on the clinton idea. and yes, tom cruise, the perfect boyfriend from my adolescence (and apparently katie's toddlerhood) has gone crazy.
my husband and i enjoy the blog immensely. so nice to hear how you are doing day by day. feel better. thinking of you amid the hotdogs and sparklers and flags. ms. audet
Hey Ms Audet,
It is awfully strange to be here on the 4th. Rumor has it there's a huge party the embassy throws every year, but how to obtain entrance is beyond us. I can't wait to see "Revolution Day" which is the 25th of July, I think, commemorating Nasser's '52 take-over. I have no clue what to expect, either on the 4th, or 25th. I can bend as far left politically and criticize the US as much as the next person, but I will confess I am that much more appreciative of America and all it encompasses, however messy it may be at times. Cliched but true.
Sinus meltdown, I need to remember that phrase.
How nice Nantasket Beach sounds about now. I can't wait to get to Alexandria and see water other than the mucky Nile. Beaches and coastlines are easy to take for granted. How I can't wait to hop in my car just to go to Starbucks and take the dogs for a beach romp, inhaling air Kyoto's had mercy on.
Funny you should mention those John Kerry emails, along with Howard Deans, and Ted Kennedy's, and, well, the entire clan. Sign up for one and you get them all, almost daily. The Sandra Day replacement story...CNN International is totally revved up, anchors behaving as though it will bring the United States to a grinding halt in vicious conflict. I always get anxious about the Supreme Court. Life terms, radical constitutional debates, bipartisanship at its worst.
I was impressed by the cabbie's knowledge of Clinton. I wouldn't mind popping him back into office either. Is Hillary serious at this point? I don't know who on earth is a viable candidate at this point.
Tom Cruise...Pretty whacked out. Nicole Kidman did good to escape while she could. The Egyptian press is definitely playing him up as a madman too.
Fireworks, watermelon, parade, swimming, sounds too good. I haven't seen an American flag either since arriving. I think it would last about five seconds here.
I am so glad to hear you are enjoying the blog. Writing, taking photos and posting are immensely enjoyable and enable me to share my travels with everyone back home and stay in touch, which I think has eased any homesickness. When I return, I now realize I'll have this great big journal on the internet, fossilizing all my Egyptian ventures and the reactions of family and friends and it's really neat. So, thank you guys.
Happy 4th!
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